
Kosovar Turks: the spearhead for a Balkanic paşalık or a misunderstood Ankara foreign policy? Türkiye between kin-state and soft power

 “Unutmayın, Türkiye Kosova’dır, Kosova Türkiye’dir” (Türkiye is Kosovo, Kosovo is Türkiye): these were the words pronounced by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, then Türkiye’s Prime Minister, at the time when he came to the second largest city of Kosovo, Prizren, in 2013. The statement has been criticized by actors, mostly outside of the Balkan Peninsula, as damaging […]

Kosovar Turks: the spearhead for a Balkanic paşalık or a misunderstood Ankara foreign policy? Türkiye between kin-state and soft power Read More »

Rekindling of Russian-Turkish relations: Real friendship or a marriage of convenience?

On June 12, 2016, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wrote a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the occasion of Russia’s national holiday expressing his hope for improving relations between the two countries. On Russia’s initiative a conversation between Erdogan and Putin took place. Both sides agreed, among other things, on the resumption of

Rekindling of Russian-Turkish relations: Real friendship or a marriage of convenience? Read More »

Reading Ziya Gökalp to understand modern Turkey’s malaise with Europeanization

Ziya Gökalp, born Mehmed Ziya in the Kurdish Diyarbakir in 1876 was a Turkish poet, thinker, reformer. Nowadays, he does not seem to be a popular persona among Western European observers of Turkish politics. This despite that, at a time when Turkey’s path towards full European Union membership seems blocked, some of his main concerns,

Reading Ziya Gökalp to understand modern Turkey’s malaise with Europeanization Read More »

The Past Is Never Where You Think You Left It

On the recent transformations of Turkish politics, nationalism, and the perils of historical oversimplification. To many in the West, accustomed to the lulling ebbs and flows of the liberal discourse, the failed Turkish coup on July 15 along with its repressive aftermath seem to further deepen the chasm between Turkey’s increasing authoritarianism and Europe’s continued

The Past Is Never Where You Think You Left It Read More »

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