
Minister Hoxha of Kosovo

Kosovo: Moving forward on the rocky road to membership

How does a newborn country of 1.8 million inhabitants, struggling to be recognized by many, prepare for a future within the EU? According to Dhurata Hoxha, Kosovo’s Minister of European integration, the only future for Kosovo is a Euro-Atlantic one – in which Kosovo is strongly embedded in the institutional frameworks of NATO and the

Kosovo: Moving forward on the rocky road to membership Read More »

Image of a racetrack

Georgian Europeanization: Will “Modest” Competition Policy Reforms Merit Closer EU Ties?

  As Georgia endeavors to join the European market by signing [1] the DCFTA as part of its Association Agreement with the EU, new opportunities for political and economic cooperation await. For Georgia, the penultimate goal of this trade agreement is to boost its economic growth by accessing one of the most advanced market economies

Georgian Europeanization: Will “Modest” Competition Policy Reforms Merit Closer EU Ties? Read More »

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