Luigi Cino

Luigi studied Political Sciences at the University of Florence and International Relations at LUISS University in Rome.
After two exchange semesters abroad, one in Barcelona and one in Rabat, he decided to apply to the College of Europe to study the role of EU as a regional actor. He sees his participation to the blog as a chance to give his opinions and views on foreign policies.

Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU’s External Action

On June 7, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, published the Joint Communication on Resilience[1]. The Communication, entitled “A Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU’s External Action”, clarifies the concept of resilience that was introduced in the Global Strategy of the European Union[2] published last June […]

Strategic Approach to Resilience in the EU’s External Action Read More »

Tout change pour que rien ne change : L’impasse au Sahara Occidental

Le 6 Novembre était un jour de fête pour le Maroc : comme chaque année, pour la 40èmefois, on célébrait la « Marche verte », la marche par laquelle 350.000 Marocains, sous l’invitation du roi du Maroc Hassan II, père de l’actuel roi Mohammed VI, avaient chassé le colonisateur espagnol de ce qu’on appelait à l’époque le Sahara Occidental.

Tout change pour que rien ne change : L’impasse au Sahara Occidental Read More »

TTIP: Quo vadis?

“I do not take my mandate from the European people” this is what the Trade Commissioner said to John Hilary in a recent interview published by The Independent on the 13th October 2015 with the title I didn’t think TTIP could get any scarier, but then I spoke to the EU official in charge of it.

TTIP: Quo vadis? Read More »

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